Thursday, April 5, 2012

A little about myself

My name is Christopher Robinson. Friends call me Crobin or C-rob. Choose from any of those if you would like. I am an economics undergrad student close to graduation from a state university in Northeastern Ohio. I have minor in philosophy and business administration.

Ever since I was young I have loved video games and they have been a very large part of my life. I cannot imagine my life without them. That being said I am an extremely passionate gamer that has very strong opinions about the industry. I do have a group of friends that I can discuss the latest with, however, I would like to pick the brains of those of the internet. I hope to meet people of different perspectives so that I can learn, grow, and become wiser. People of all backgrounds, opinions, and various levels of passion are welcome to comment on my posts. I promise that I will read them. I can not promise that I will write back. I have school work too, you know.

My aim with this blog is to find a big story, hopefully every week, and publish my opinion on the subject. I may have some special edition posts where I publish my opinion on some interesting conversation topic that came up in the course of my life. This is my first blog, bear with me. As I said I study economics, not English, so don't ding me to bad on my grammar. Although constructive criticism is welcome.

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